Mylné představy žáků 6. ročníku o fotosyntéze a dýchání rostlin

Title in English The th grade students’ misconceptions about photosynthesis and plant respiration

GAŽOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The present chapter was focused on defining the concepts of photosynthesis and plant respiration in the curriculum for primary school, and to search the research on misconceptions and on the research of pupils' misconceptions on the example of plant physiology (primarily on photosynthesis and plant respiration) for the 6th grade students of lower secondary school. The reason for choosing the topic is the lack of work processing the topic of misconceptions pupils of primary school in the physiology of plants in the Czech Republic. The basis of the research undertaken is the influence of selected factors on the level of misconceptions. Besides the influence of gender, age and favorite subject are also examined misconceptions affecting pupils' attitudes towards science.
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