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Title in English New possibilities how to conduct in-depth interview in qualitative research


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This paper aims to present a specific way of conducting in-depth interview, which operates on the border between the position of the first and the second person (Varela & Shear, 1999). We highlight the shift from the general exploration of experience to the microstructure of experience. This method is mainly based on the concept of symbolic modeling (Lawley & Tompkins, 2000), which is enriched by chosen techniques based on various theoretical concepts, eg. an active building and maintaining of emotional relationship with participants or stabilization ofparticipants‘ attention (Petitmengin, 2002). Potential of this method was verified during the 40 interviews conducted as part of the research, focusing on tacit knowledge among student teachers. Based on these experiences we draw attention to the benefits as well as the practical difficulties associated with the use of the presented method.
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