Hudební analýza a statistika doby poslechu - jejich grafické znázornění ve výzkumu Postoje vysokoškolských studentů v České republice k artificiální hudbě prvních dvou třetin 20. století

Title in English Musical Analysis and Statistics of the Listening - Its Graphical Representation in Research ´The Attitudes of University Students in the Czech Republic to the Artistic Music of the First Two-Thirds of the Twentieth Century´


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The paper deals with musical analysis, its use and the method of graphical representation in the research of musical preferences of university students 2015. Additionally, the paper presents the statistics of time of the listening, which was as part of this research used for the very first time in the history of music-sociological research by the Department of Music of Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. There are presented the results of the statistics and also the method of its graphical representation.
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