Faktoren für erfolgreiche berufliche Eingliederung von jungen Menschen mit Behinderung

Title in English Factors of successful vocational integration of young persons with disabilities


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Lucie. Faktoren für erfolgreiche berufliche Eingliederung von jungen Menschen mit Behinderung (Factors of successful vocational integration of young persons with disabilities). In 50. Arbeitstagung der DGfE Sonderpädagogik, Basel. 2015.
Description Factors affecting the vocational integration of young people with disabilities are introduced in this paper. There were several target groups in this research: consultants in schools (help in choosing a career), people with disabilities (experience), employers. Methods: Qualitative by use of semi-structured interviews. Results: Successful vocational integration of young people with disabilities is influenced by several factors: their willingness and motivation, willingness of the labour market, availability of support, attitudes in the surroundings. Barriers are connected with the disability of people, but the access of employers and society to people with disabilities is crucial as well. The changing labour market demands not only knowledge, but also certain skills and competences. This must be considered both in the preparation of students as well as in the preparation of their (future) teachers.
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