Facilitátory a bariéry školní a sociální inkluze osob se zrakovým postižením

Title in English Facilitators and barriers of school and social inclusion of people with visual impairment


Year of publication 2015
Type Monograph
Citation VRUBEL, Martin. Facilitátory a bariéry školní a sociální inkluze osob se zrakovým postižením (Facilitators and barriers of school and social inclusion of people with visual impairment). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 186 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8022-5.
Description The main goal of this book is to analyse the inclusion determiners of people with visual impairment. The study is based on the concept of special pedagogy paradigms and functional approach to impairments derived from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The aim of this book is to analyse determiners of school inclusion from the common primary and secondary schools management point of view. The leading Works are in the focus due to theirs key role in successful inklusive education. The theoretical part of this book is covered in four chapters. The empirical part of this book deals with the important determiners of school inclusion, including the attitude of primary and secondary school management to the factors effecting the process of inclusin of pupils and students with visual impairment and the extent of readiness of the leading workers at schools to initiate the inclusion of visually impaired pupils and students. To be able to evaluate the attitudes, we formed an index of visually impaired pupil inclusion. For our investigation, we employed the methods of quantitative design, personal interviewing and a questionnaire. Research shows that the attitudes of school leaders focused on the possibility of inclusive education for people with visual impairment are influenced by the assumption that the type of visual impairment affects the successful of the process of inclusion.
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