Koncept Standardů společného základu ve Spojených státech amerických: výuka čtení v primárním vzdělávání

Title in English The concept of the Common core state standards: reading in elementary school


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://journals.muni.cz/pedor/article/view/5232/4328
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/PedOr2016-1-117
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Common core state standards; curriculum; teaching reading; Framework educational programme
Description The aim of this study is to present the Common core state standards of the U.S. curriculum. The first parts detail the concept of the Common core state standards throughout the whole school education (K–12). The next passages are devoted to the analysis of the English language arts standards with a focus on reading in elementary schools and also relate these standards to the context of the current Czech curriculum, the Framework educational programme for basic education. The study suggests differences in the final outputs for teaching reading in elementary school. I found, for example, that, in contrast to the U.S. curriculum, the Czech curriculum does not fully incorporate aesthetic and educational literature components.
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