W kwestii wymiaru medialno-metodycznego historii rodziny w nauczaniu historii w szkole podstawowej.

Title in English Family History as Media and Methodological Inspirationfor History Teaching.


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Wychowanie w Rodzinie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field History
Keywords methodology of history; history teaching; family amateur movie; family history;
Description The research text is inspired by relationships and issues arisingfrom communication among parents, children, grandparents and grandchildren.It ensues from such terms as generation crisis, cohesion, cultivation of commonvalues or family topics. It deals with family history captured in a family amateurmovie, which is an appropriate media of alternative school and out-of-school pupils'activities. Within its framework the pupils can become aware of their own roots andevolution of their family histories, or how their histories were influenced by „the greathistory”. The presentation methodology of the summary of these pupils' explorationsof private family materials used in history lessons forms an inseparable part.

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