Political and Social Reflections of the Soviet Bloc in Didacticised Media and History Teaching



Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Czech-polish historical and pedagogical journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web http://www.ped.muni.cz/whis/journal-8-1-2016.pdf
Field History
Keywords history teaching; didactics of history; postage stamps; historical film; Soviet Bloc; Cold War; propaganda; media studies
Description This paper analyses didactic and methodical aspects of the application of visual and audio-visual media in the educational process. It making selective use of media reflecting politico-social phenomena in the Soviet Bloc. It also focuses on posters, postage stamps and television production as historical sources reflecting modern history in particular. On the basis of an the analysis of the topics covered by these media from the Cold War Era, the paper recommends the explanation of both historical phenomena and the mechanisms of propaganda and antipropaganda in history teaching. The paper also mentions ideological, socialisation and propagandist contexts. The described approach gives rise to an effective alternative educational medium that, first and foremost, reinforces interdisciplinary co-operation between school history and media studies.

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