Antonio Bioni a jeho skladby dochované v kroměřížském archivu


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Title in English Antonio Bioni and his compositions preserved in the Kroměříž Archive

ČERNÁ Zuzana

Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The presentation is focused on the Italian composer Antonio Bioni (ca 1698 - ca 1739) and his compositions which are preserved in the Kroměříž musical collection. Antonio Bioni belongs among important promoters of Italian musical culture behind the Alps in the first half of the 18th century. His life story and work relates to the Czech lands, particularly with the Sporck opera in Prague and Kuks. Between 1725 and 1734 he worked in Wroclaw where he wrote most of his operas. His name also appears in connection to the musical life in Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou and Count Questenberg. Last years of Bioni's life are connected with Vienna. Only fragments survived from his works; from the total of twenty-three preserved compositions of different genres, seven is deposited in Czech archives. In the Kroměříž music collection, there are three cantatas and one aria about which there are no mentions in international musicological literature and lexicography. In more details the author will discuss the cantata Innocente é il mio martire, the analysis of which introduces Bioni's compositional style.
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