Lexical bundles in legal texts corpora – Selection, classification and pedagogical implications



Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Discourse and Interaction
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web http://katedry.ped.muni.cz/anglictina/about_us/discourse-and-interaction/discourse-and-interaction-vol-10-no-2-2016/lexical-bundles-in-legal-texts-corpora-selection-classification-and-pedagogical-implications
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/DI2016-2-75
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords legal English; legal English communicative competence (LECC); lexical bundle (LB); structural classification of a LB; functional classification of a LB; frequency analysis; content; LB; non-content LB
Description This paper analyzes lexical bundles with the aim of determining specific features of the linguistic competence of the selected research population and drawing some pedagogical implications from the findings. The study focuses on lexical bundles retrieved from four legal genre-based corpora (Flowerdew 2005) compiled from texts submitted by respondents who are all legal professionals. In an effort to provide a more comprehensive view of lexical bundles, the phenomenon has been treated using both the conventional register analysis approach (Biber & Conrad 2009) and an approach adopted especially for legal texts by Breeze (2013). The study also attempts to submit proposals for the teaching of lexical bundles (O’Keeffe et al. 2007: 216) in the context of reading comprehension. Within the context of needs analysis, this study has been conducted as part of a larger study aiming to examine communicative competence of legal professionals from the four language skills perspective.
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