Narušená komunikační schopnost u žáků základní školy speciální

Title in English Impaired communication ability of pupils of special elementary school


Year of publication 2016
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation KOPEČNÝ, Petr and Jiřina KLENKOVÁ. Narušená komunikační schopnost u žáků základní školy speciální (Impaired communication ability of pupils of special elementary school). In Bartoňová, M., Pipeková, J., Vítková, M. Strategie ve vzdělávání žáků v základní škole speciální. Texty k distančnímu vzdělávání. 1. vyd. Brno: Paido, 2016, p. 45-64. ISBN 978-80-7315-256-7.
Description Problems of pupils with impaired communication ability who are educated in special elementary schools, gains importance. Current speech therapy is focused on a target group of people with different kinds of disability, of interest to speech therapy interventions are becoming pupils with severe communication disorders, frequently attending elementary school special. A speech therapist works so well in these schools and develops the communication skills of pupils with symptomatic speech disorders.
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