Morálne pozadie spolkov miernosti na území Slovenska v 19.storočí

Title in English The moral basis of the temperance movement in the area of present-day Slovakia in the 1840s

LESŇÁK Slavomír

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ľudová medicína a jej historické špecifiká. , 2015. s. 12-18, 7 s. ISBN .
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords the temperance movement : morality : romantism
Description The article is presenting the research about the moral basis of the temperance movement in the area of present-day Slovakia in the 1840s. The author describes and compares the recommendations and the rationales for abstinence from hard liquor from Ľ. Štúr, M.M. Hodža, J.M.Hurban. He analyses their psychological, economical, theological and philosophical arguments and he attemps to evaluate their approaches from bioethical viewpoint.

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