Ekvivalence obsahu testových verzí slovenské maturitní zkoušky z AJ na úrovni B1: předběžná zjištění z expertního posuzování

Title in English Content equivalence analysis of English test versions using expert judgement: preliminary findings


Year of publication 2016
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This text discusses preliminary results obtained within the research project on comparability of versions of a of receptive skills in English at B1 level. This exam is part of the graduation exam in the Slovak Republic. The text describes the data collection, the analyses of the structural equivalence of the content, and presents preliminary interpretations of the data gathered so far. It also mentions other analyses which are to be performed. The text outlines possible issues associated with the use of expert judgement as data collection method and suggests next steps the analysis of test versions´ equivalence.
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