Behaviour of Collocations in the Language of Legal Subdomains


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CVRČEK František PALA Karel RYCHLÝ Pavel

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation CVRČEK, František, Karel PALA and Pavel RYCHLÝ. Behaviour of Collocations in the Language of Legal Subdomains. In Calzolari, N Choukri, K Declerck, T Loftsson, H Maegaard, B Mariani, J Moreno, A Odijk, J Piperidis, S. LREC 2014 - NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION. PARIS: EUROPEAN LANGUAGE RESOURCES ASSOC-ELRA, 2014, p. 1-4. ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4.
Field Informatics
Keywords collocations; corpora; legal subdomain; legal electronic dictionary
Description In the paper we examine the collocational behaviour of multiword expression in legal sublanguages, i.e. in texts of statutory law, texts of case laws of Supreme Courts and law textbooks. We show that the comparison of collocations coming from the individual types of legal texts provides quantifiable data, which contain information about terminological nature of the observed language expressions. From the observations we made it follows that the legal language of the primary regulations considerably differs from the sublanguage of the secondary regulations. The quantitative analysis of the Czech legal texts has convincingly shown that the corpus analysis working with relatively simple means indicates the high number of changes in the texts of law regulations. In this way the changes also show that the corpus analysis also reflects the problems in our society - too many and fast changes in the legal texts prevent lawyers from the correct handling the individual court cases. In the paper we also exploit the results of the project PES (Pravni elektronicky slovnik, Legal Electronic Dictionary.
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