11. mezinárodní vědecká konference Didaktická konference 2017 - Sborník příspěvků

Title in English 11th International Scientific Conference Didactic Conference 2017 - Proceedings


Year of publication 2017
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference Didactic Conference 2017, which took place on 01.-02. 06. 2017 at the Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University brings a set of articles focused on didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education. The field of didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education is an important area of education and training. Its importance is growing over time, and according to the results of measuring of different areas of pupil literacy, it can be assumed that it will not be otherwise in the future. The International Scientific Conference Didactic Conference 2017, which focuses on the subject of didactics, represents an important platform for sharing and developing the area of common interests of experts. It provides an overview of theoretical as well as practical problems in education, focusing on the didactics of the above mentioned fields of study, and enables sharing of good practice. The International Scientific Conference is a follow-up to the long-standing practice of organizing scientific conferences on the subject, as indicated by the 11th year of the event. Thus the event is continuing in the successful tradition of international exchange of experience and knowledge. It contributes to the development of knowledge in the field of didactics and education and opens up space for further discussions and activities that benefit and develop the given issue.

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