Transnational grandchildhood : negotiating intergenerational grandchild–grandparent ties across borders

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Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords Transnational grandchildhood; second generation; transnational family; kinship ties
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Description Recent research on migration has paid particular attention to transnational family relations. Numerous studies have dealt with the transnational organization of caregiving, transnational motherhood, transnational fatherhood, etc. In these studies, the children presented are typically those left behind by their migrant parents. In the research on second-generation transnational childhood, little attention is paid to how transnational family relations are perceived by the children themselves. The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of transnational grandchildhood, which captures the meanings and practices of intergenerational family ties that children maintain with their grandparents in the country of their origin. The paper draws upon interviews with second-generation Vietnamese children living with their parents in the Czech Republic and away from their grandparents in Vietnam. The paper should initiate a scholarly discussion about transnational intergenerational relationships. This paper contributes to the research on children’s understanding of transnational kinship ties and transnational intergenerational relations with their grandparents.
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