Tematická preventivní edukace na školách v oblasti popáleninových úrazů

Title in English Thematic Preventive Education in Schools in the Area of Burn Injuries


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Život ve zdraví 2018: teorie a praxe.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://munispace.muni.cz/library/catalog/book/11
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-9176-2018
Keywords thermal injuries; electrotrauma; associated injuries; complications; scars; programs of the prevention; targeted education; school; questionnaire; presentation; picture documentation; evaluation.
Description Burns of the teenager age are generally one of the most serious injuries. Above all, it is a severe electrotrauma and extensive burns in a group of teenagers. In this context, within the framework of the interdisciplinary cooperation between the Department of Special Education of the MU Faculty of Medicine and the Burning Clinic of Brno University Hospital, we organize a preventive education program focused mainly on teenagers at the second level of elementary schools, secondary schools and special schools.

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