"Než válka uplyne, chci si získati jakés jméno - a tím i budoucnost, jinou, lepší" Dopisy Bohumila Markalouse příteli Karlu Hradeckému z let 1914-1918

Title in English "Before the War is Over, I Wish to Acquire a Name - and by that a Future, a Different, Better Future" The Correspondence of Bohumil Markalous and his Friend Karel hradecký Between 1914 and 1918


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Literární archiv
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Czech Literature; Bohumil Markalous; Jaromír John; correspondence; the First World War
Description The publication comprising the letters that Bohumil Markalous addressed to his friend Karel hradecký between 1914 and 1918. The edition is accompanied by a literary study depicting the circumstances of both the writer and the recipient of the letters and offering some detailed insights into the birth of the autor Jaromír John.

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