Potenciál diskurzivní analýzy a vizuální metodologie v postmoderním paradigmatu vědy

Title in English The potential of visual methodology and discourse analysis in a postmodern paradigm of science


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://journals.muni.cz/pedor/article/view/9166/pdf
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/PedOr2018-1-163
Keywords representation; discourse; social reality; meanings; visual methodologies; diversity
Description The form of knowledge in the contemporary postmodern world is undergoing a rapid transformation. This variability can be observed even in the efforts to capture, analyze, and theorize this knowledge. Science symbolically wrestles with the idea of the truthful correspondence of social reality through argumentation and skepticism towards truth as a stable authority. Data is not culturally and value-neutral, which is accentuated by its distribution through language. Understanding and interpretation of context should rather be a mechanism aimed at linguistic communication, which in its hidden and transparent form produces, shares and conceptualizes meanings, gives the role and position in the world. The focus of interest of scientific knowledge, from our viewpoint, shifts towards examining structures, creating meanings and re-presentation of experience. The aim of the paper is to reflect on the affordances of discourse analysis. It presents theoretical-research approach that is able to apply critical reflection focusing on the actions and practices of a particular discourse and being in it. Moreover, we focus on visualization possibilities of visual methodologies; more specifically on the use of photography as a tool for social communication in the research process. The merits of a combination of the two approaches lie in the possibility to explore the relationship between visual and verbal representations of social reality. The text is focused on methodological approaches rather than on the presentation of research results.
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