Projektunterricht als Beispiel einer Unterrichtsmethode zur Steigerung der affektiven Variable Motivation im Bereich des Fremdsprachenlernens

Title in English Project-based learning as an example of a possible teaching method to increase the affective variable motivation in the field of foreign language learning

ŠTILEC Vojtěch

Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The process of foreign language acquisition is characterized by the influence of various variables. A special group here are the so-called affective variables, which influence the learning process from the inside (of the learner) to a certain extent. In the present contribution special attention is paid to the interrelation between motivation and language acquisition, with a clear distinction between instrumental and integrative motivation. At the same time, a possible tool that could increase motivation in the field of language learning is presented and discussed. Such teaching tools (methods), which are represented in this article by the example of project work, are now regarded as indispensable components of any task based foreign language teaching and seem to be decisive for the success of learning.
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