Afektivní proměnná motivace v kontextu projektové výuky v rámci zahraniční žákovské výměny

Title in English Affective variable motivation in the context of project-based learning in the context of foreign student exchange

ŠTILEC Vojtěch

Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The development of so-called communicative competence in foreign language has become increasingly important in recent years. In order to develop this competence effectively, it is necessary to deviate from the traditional concept of foreign language teaching and instead focus on developing language skills that can serve to master authentic communication situations. One of the main principles of communicative foreign language teaching in this way is its so-called task-based orientation. One of the main features of such a teaching concept is the role of the learner, who emancipates himself from the position of a mere recipient and becomes the active co-creator of the lesson, for example responsible for the results. The character of such task-based teaching and learning also corresponds to the choice of the chosen teaching methods. These methods allow the connection of thinking and acting, promote the development of creativity, cooperation and communication as well as the ability to self-reflect on one's own actions. One of the important methods of this task-based teaching and learning is the project method. The aim of this contribution is to illustrate the connection between project teaching and a possible change in the motivation to learn the German language.
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