Repertoár gymnaziálních sborů se zřetelem k zastoupení artificiální hudby

Title in English Repertoire of Grammar School Choirs with Regard to the Artificial Music

OTTOVÁ Markéta

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Teoretické reflexe hudební výchovy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords choral singing; grammar school choir; repertoire; genre; artificial music; nonartificial music; folk music; modern popular music; jazz and swing music; spiritual and gospel; Gymnasia Cantant
Description The paper is concerned with the repertoire of grammar school choirs. The study is based on the repertoire chosen for the Gymnasia Cantant Competition for Grammar School Choirs. Owing a list of nearly four hundred compositions that have been heard in the national round of the competition over the last seven years, it examines the frequency of each music genre with a stress on the field of artificial music. It also deals with the preferences of the grammar school choirs within the artificial music sphere with regard to their possibilities and limitations.
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