[Bestiam] stantem, sedentem, volantem, serpentem... Einige Bemerkungen zur Inschrift auf Blei aus Karthago


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Title in English [Bestiam] stantem, sedentem, volantem, serpentem... Some remarks on the Inscription on Lead from Carthage


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology XXIII, Proceedings of the 23. Conference in Memory of Tronsky 24.?26. 6. 2019.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.30842/ielcp230690152377
Keywords lead amulet; Carthage; snakes; scorpions; mala bestia foras dato
Description Only a few years ago, the estate of French epigrapher Auguste Audollent was rediscovered at Museum Bargoin in Clermont-Ferrand (G. Németh, 2013). Among other unpublished lead inscriptions, there was an amulet, probably fashioned in order to protect a house (mala bestia foras dato...). The text (as deciphered and transcribed by A. Barta, 2017) represents a unique compilation of several apotropaic formulae without any known parallels from other texts preserved on amulets. In the presentation, the text is examined and one interpretation is proposed.
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