Study on multi-source data integrating standard and 3D cartographic visualization of urban flooding based on CityGML

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Year of publication 2019
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Urban flooding refers to the phenomenon of water accumulation in cities due to strong precipitation or continuous precipitation exceeding urban drainage capacity. At present, the problem of urban flooding has become another major urban disease after other urban problems such as crowded people, traffic congestion and environmental pollution (Weiwu W, et al. 2015). In order to better cope with the problem of waterlogging, there are many hydrodynamic models that can accurately simulate the process of pipe network drainage and water accumulation. However, there are currently two limitations that limit the practicality of these hydrodynamic models. First, these models often require a large amount of input data as a support. These data exhibit multi-source, heterogeneity, multi-scale, multi-resolution and other characteristics, which bring great difficulty to data acquisition and processing (Dongdong Z, et al. 2014). Second, the analysis results of the model contain a large amount of waterlogging related information. However, this information is usually represented by simple texts and tables, which is not conducive to interpretation, transmission and visualization. Especially for location-related information, such as flooding points, flow information of various parts of the drainage pipe, water depth in the flooded area, etc., non-interactive two-dimensional maps or tables can cause inconvenience to disaster management and decision-making.
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