Neuromuskulární choroby a gravidita


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Title in English Neuromuscular diseases and pregnancy


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ceska a slovenska neurologie a neurochirurgie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords pregnancy; neuromuscular diseases; immunosuppressive agents; myasthenia gravis; myositis; muscular dystrophies; motor neuron disease; Guillain-Barre syndrome; hereditary sensory and motor neuropathy; carpal tunnel syndrome; mononeuropathies
Description Pregnancy may significantly change the course of several neuromuscular diseases and have an impact on their therapy (especially some immunosuppressive agents commonly used for the therapy of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases are contraindicated). On the contrary, many neuromuscular diseases may negatively influence pregnancy and increase the occurrence of some complications of pregnancy and delivery. Several neuromuscular diseases thus significantly increase the incidence of spontaneous abortion, preterm birth, abnormal fetal position/ presentation, increased postpartum hemorrhage, and the rate of cesarean sections or operative vaginal deliveries using pliers or vacuum extractor. Some of neuromuscular diseases may also have an important impact on a fetus, e. g. the diseases which potentially decrease the oxygen saturation of the mother's arterial blood may lead to the intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Furthermore, some diseases may be transmitted to the newborn, either genetically or by the transplacental transmission of antibodies on fetus. This minimonography summarizes the current knowledge on mutual relationship of pregnancy and the most frequent groups of neuromuscular diseases - myasthenia gravis, inflammatory myopathies, muscular dystrophies, motor neuron diseases, Guillain-Barre syndrome and chronic inflamatory demyelinating neuropathy, hereditary neuropathies and the most frequent mononeuropathies related to pregnancy (carpal tunnel syndrome, Bell's palsy and some other traumatic or compressive postpartum lesions of the peripheral nerves in pelvic region or in lower extremities). If available, the recommendations upon the follow-up and management of patients with neuromuscular diseases during and after pregnancy and delivery are also mentioned.
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