Engaging in perinatal loss

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2019
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description Actors involved in care for the bereaved experiencing pregnancy loss, specifically perinatal loss, in the Czech Republic come from wide spectrum of professions and experiences. Working with them in a sociological (feminist) qualitative explorative study on perinatal loss has been an enriching and very inspirational experience. The conference paper concentrates on reciprocal exchange of knowledge and mutual support beyond professional cooperation on the topical research. The Czech Science Foundation supported research study (2017 – 2019) grasps a momentum of significant change in the status quo of the Czech practice of perinatal loss both in its legal demarcations (2018), everyday practices and expert or emerging academic reflection (2014+). The challenges are coming rather from grass-root initiatives or influential interest groups than from state level policy making, which brings about also some haphazard impact. The researcher is left - in her learning process or learning moment - well supplied and looking forward to sharing her experience with international audiences at a topical conference and to critically assess the local specifics, influenced by the Post-Socialist context.
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