Metodologie výzkumu dětského divadelního publika na příkladu inscenace "Vinnetou"

Title in English Research Methodology of Children's Theatre Audience on the Example of Theatre Performance "Vinnetou"

JINDRA Miroslav

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XI. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords children's theatre audience research; research methodology; reflective workshop
Description The paper deals with the research methodology of children's audience. The aim is to characterize individual possibilities of working with a children's audience after a theatre performance and thus to propose a suitable methodology for reflection of the viewer's experience. A thorough analysis of the selected staging form as well as the active involvement of child viewers in the research activity lead to the discovery of the communication level between the stage and the auditorium. In order to find out how a child viewer perceives a theatre performance, it is necessary to choose a suitable methodology, using mainly direct empirical knowledge of the group and its ability to interpret the staging form. The complexity of theatrical art, bringing together a number of areas of human activity, offers a wide range of possibilities for research into the reception of a theatrical experience for children, including research methods characterized by their multiplicity (eg. methods of pedagogical research and artistic research). The combination of different methods can not only enrich research, but also give research more objectivity and relevance.
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