Postoje k lidem s postižením v pracovním kontextu ve vztahu ke zkušenosti s nimi

Title in English Attitudes towards people with disabilities in the work context in accordance with experience of people with disabilities


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální pedagogika | Social Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords person with disability; attitudes; prejudices; fear; impact of experience; work integration; work environment; person with disability as a colleague; contact theory
Description Openness to the inclusion of people with disabilities in society and all areas of social life is significantly influenced by the attitude of the population. It is also reflected in attitudes to inclusion in schools and in attitudes of employers. In this paper, the results of a questionnaire survey within the Czech population will be presented. This survey focuses on the influence of experience of people with disabilities to their work integration and their acceptance within the work environment. The results imply that personal contact has a positive influence, and they also show differences according to type of disability and intensity of contact.

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