Konstrukční výzkum učebnice pro výuku angličtiny pro specifické účely: Hodnocení pilotní verze učebnice

Title in English Design-Based Research of an ESP Coursebook: Evaluation of the Pilot Version of the Coursebook


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://ojs.cuni.cz/pedagogika/article/view/1649
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.14712/23362189.2019.1527
Keywords design-based research; ESP coursebook; iteration; design principles; evaluation criteria; checklist; questionnaire survey; test
Description Goals – The study presents a methodology of design-based research of an English for Specific Purposes coursebook (hereinafter referred to as ESP) and acquaints readers with the first results of the research. The aim is to evaluate the quality of the pilot version of the coursebook, and consequently formulate design principles related to the changes to its design that are necessary while validating and developing the theories of ESP learning materials design. Methods – Two kinds of data collection methods were selected: (1) a questionnaire survey focused on evaluation of the coursebook by teachers and students and (2) pre-testing and post-testing students’ knowledge and skills before and after using the coursebook. Results – The research fi ndings indicate the requirements for the redesign of the coursebook, so that it could meet the needs of the target group of students as well as teachers’ and students’ common and diff erent preferences in choosing suitable learning materials. Next, the results confi rmed some of the theories of ESP learning materials design. Conclusion – Th e results of the research provide the basis for the redesign of the coursebook after which its new version will be implemented and evaluated in the same way. All authors of learning materials are recommended to assess their quality by means of feedback from teachers, students and other stakeholders who participate in designing the curriculum, or alternatively by testing the knowledge and skills students acquired by using the learning materials.
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