K chronologii moravských výšinných lokalit starší doby železné


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Title in English The chronology of Moravian hilltop sites from Early Iron Age


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Doba popolnicových polí a doba halštatská : Zborník príspevkov z XV. medzinárodnej konferencie Doba popolnicových polí a doba halštatská, Smolenice, 15.–19. október 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords Moravia; Hallstatt Period; Hilltop settlements; bronze fibulae; Scythian arrowheads; Ha D period
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Description In this article, problematic chronology of Moravian hilltop settlements during Early Iron Age is being tackled with the help of two groups of chronologically more sensitive metallic artefacts, fibulae and arrowheads of the so called eastern type. Their quantity, thanks to the activities of amateur and professional detectorists, has increased significantly during the last few years. Based on their analysis, the existence of certain Moravian hilltop settlements of the Early Iron Age can be dated to the second half of the 7th century BC. The biggest “boom” of the usage of hilltops can be seen especially in phases Ha C2 and Ha D1, based on the fibulae and the arrowheads of the eastern type. In the second half of the 6th century BC, or phase Ha D2, period in which the beginning of hilltop settlements has usually been presumed, a decline in human activities on hilltop sites can be seen, as the evidence of fewer metallic artefacts suggests.
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