Analýza sociálních sítí ve studiu sociálních hnutí


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Title in English Social Network Analysis in Social Movement Studies


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web article - open access
Keywords social network analysis; social movements; protest; collective action
Description For several decades, a relational perspective in collective action research has gainedfirm ground, introducing new concepts and theories. Also, Social Network Analysis (SNA) has become one of the most dynamic areas of analytical tools development in social studies, with the rapid expansion of both quantitative and qualitative applications and concepts. This combination has led to the innovation of research in collective action studies. This article aims to introduce SNA for the study of collective action, reviews various modes of its application, and provides a brief sketch of research problems SNA may help articulate and analyze. First, the article reviews theoretical developments in the study of collective action and the rise of a relational perspective. Second, it explains some of the basics and logic of SNA in the context of a relational perspective in collective action research. Third, it reviews the recent application of SNA in social movement studies at the individual level, the symbolic level (collective identity), and the organizational level.
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