Osmolarita slz, její měření a korelace s dalšími testy pro vyšetření suchého oka


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Title in English Tear osmolarity, its measurement and correlation with other tests for dry eye examination


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Jemná mechanika a optika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

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Keywords Tearlab; osmolarity DEQ-5 questionnaire; dry eye syndrome; Sjogren’s syndrome; break time test
Description Aim: To determine the values of osmolarity of tears of the right and left eye in individual probands, to evaluate their symptoms using the DEQ-5 questionnaire and to compare the results with other studies. Furthermore, to find out how invasive and non-invasive methods of tear film quality evaluation correlate together. Methods: In our study, we had data from 20 probands, whose average age was 23.5 years (SD 1.55 years). All subjects underwent a standard optometric examination, including the determination of the current subjective correction of the refractive error. Subsequently, we presented the DEQ-5 questionnaire to the probands. After completing the questionnaires, each proband underwent tear osmolarity using a TearLab® instrument (TearLab Corporation, USA). Further examination was performed on a Keratograph 5M® (Oculus, Germany). Results: The average value of tear osmolarity in the right and left eye of all probands was 300.35 (SD 16.52) and 293.70 (SD 12.92) mOsmol/l, respectively. The difference in the osmolarity of both eyes in one proband greater than 8 mOsmol/l inclusive was identified in a total of 11 probands out of 20 (i.e. 55 %). The mean value of the non-invasive break time test (nBUT) on the right and left eyes of all probands was 14.05 s (SD 5.78 s) and 15.59 s (SD 6.13 s), respectively. From the DEQ-5 questionnaire, we recorded a positive capture (score equal to greater than 6 points) in a total of 8 probands out of 20 (i.e. 40 %). Conclusion: The results of our study show that there is no correlation between non-invasive break time test (nBUT) and tear osmolarity (difTL8, R = 0.23 at p = 0.32). To evaluate the symptoms of dry eye disease, a special questionnaire with 5 questions (Dry Eye Questionnaire, DEQ-5) proved to be very accurate and effective, which helped us to accurately divide the baseline group into a symptomatic group and a group without symptoms (p <0.001). Subsequently, we demonstrated statistically significant sensitivity and specificity in both tests (nBUT, difTL8).
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