Model poskytovania behaviorálnej intervencie so zameraním na školenie a supervíziu rodičov detí s PAS

Title in English Model of providing behavior interventions focused on training and supervision of parents of children with AS


Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Parents play significant role and should be an integral member of the autism treatment team in every intervention program for child with autism. This presentation will address importance and effectiveness of parent mediated intervention as evidence based approach in autism treatment, with emphasis on early intervention. We will provide a review of various strategies and procedures for the delivery of effective parent/caregiver training. We will explore and identify advantages and disadvantages of parent in the role of therapist for their own child of autism. We will also discuss low-cost intervention model based on parent mediated intervention in under-developed and under-serviced countries or regions where intensive behavioral interventions are not governement funded or covered by health insurance.
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