Aditivní problémy teorie čísel ve školské matematice

Title in English Additive problems of number theory in teaching of mathematics

BERÁNEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Elementary Mathematics Education Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Motivation; mathematics; number theory; decomposition of numbers; Goldbach's hypothesis
Description The article was created as the result of the research oriented at innovation of methods, content and forms of school teaching of mathematics in connection with improvement of university education of future school teachers of mathematics. In the article there are included examples and indicated solutions of some easy additive problems of number theory (finding Pythagorean triads of natural numbers including analogical examples, partition of numbers into the sum of squares etc.). Among others, there are also given some theoretical problems, like combinatorial theory of finite sets partition, Goldbach´s hypothesis and twin primes. Such problems could be used while teaching future elementary school mathematics teachers as a tool for deepening their interest in mathematics and their further motivation.

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