Biliary metal stent patency rate: long term national analysis


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Year of publication 2021
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description urpose: To evaluate biliary metal stent patency rate in biliary malignancies related to the frequency of biliary metal stent insertion in the hospital. Materials and Methods: All reported patients with biliary tract malignancy treated with metal stent insertion in Czechia in 2010-2018 were enrolled in this retrospective analysis. According to frequency of metal stent insertion hospitals in Czechia were divided into 3 groups (over 54; 20-54; less than 20 metal stent implantations). Except metal stent patency rate (log rank test), possible risk factors like age, gender, anatomical location of biliary cancer and its stage were analyzed (uni and multivariate analysis, Cox-regression). Results: 562 patients with median biliary metal stent patency rate of 4.2 months (95%CI 3.5-4.9) while 106 patients underwent metal stent recanalization and 456 patients died without recanalization. Metal stent patency rate was signifcantly better in hospitals with 55 and more implanted stents compared to hospitals with 20-54 and less than 20 implanted stents during the study period (median patency 5.8 vs 3.2 vs 3.7 months, p=0.004 and p=0.012). Worse patency rate was further observed in gall bladder cancer (HR 1.431(95%CI 1.152-1.778), p=0.001) and advanced stages of biliary malignancy (HR in TNM stage 2,3 and 4 were 1.447(95%CI 1.044-2.005), 1.257(95%CI 0.885-1.784), and 1.914(95%CI 1.410-2.598)). Conclusion: Reported biliary metal stent patency rate in biliary cancer was signifcantly better in hospitals with higher frequency of metal stent implantations.
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