Standard finanční gramotnosti a finanční vzdělávání

Title in English Financial Literacy Standard and Financial Education


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 14. mezinárodní vědecká konference Didaktická konference: Sborník příspěvků
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords financial literacy; financial education; education policy
Description Financial literacy has been developed in the Czech Republic for more than 15 years through strategic documents regulating the conditions and possibilities of financial education. Over the last few years, these documents have been revised. The aim of the contribution is to analyse the changes in the approach to financial literacy and financial education of primary and secondary school pupils in the Czech Republic. The approach to the issue of financial literacy and financial education in Slovakia, together with information on the result of measuring the level of financial literacy among fifteen-year-old pupils and the adult population of the Czech Republic, is used as a reference framework for the analysis of development. The results of the analysis are summarized through a SWOT matrix, and thus identify the current position and potential of financial education in the Czech Republic.
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