K historii, struktuře a koherenci textového korpusu

Title in English On history, structure and coherence of a text corpus


Year of publication 2021
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The aim of this overview treatise, one chapter in a collective monograph which is an introductory rethinking of a position that a reader adopts towards a text in a post-digital space, is to point out at some correlations of hypertext as a phenomenon on a background of selected scientific disciplines which can utilize methods of corpus linguistics and methods of text analysis. These correlations are discussed so as to understand better the role a reader has towards a hypertext. In agreement with the author of the term hypertext, Ted Nelson, we understand hypertext is such material which is used in a format of a database that offers a direct access to information from the user interface. In brief, it is illustrated how gradually, in reaction to literary content analysis and methods of close reading, a new method of distant reading emerged. Such method is now a dominant one in the field of digital humanities. For a closer concretization of the problematics, especially a visualisation of structure of digital texts, several projects supported by Electronic Literature Organisation are discussed. Finally, the treatise aims at the problematics of reader´s role in digital text coherence.
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