Reflexe praxe: od skupinové reflexe k deliberativní praxi

Title in English Reflective practice: From Group Reflection to Deliberative Practice


Year of publication 2022
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Attached files
Description We will create space for one of the many examples of a group reflection of practice. In the first part (say 45 minutes), we will try to reflect on the own experience of teacher educators and look under the hood of how it is possible to carry out deliberative practice within the framework of group reflection. In the short second part (about 15 minutes), we will talk about the principles and approaches that were used in the first part. Moreover, in the last phase, we will open a joint discussion about who does what differently and what works for whom as part of the group reflection on the practice, plus any other topics that appear and will be "live" for the group.

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