Probuzeni ve svobodě: jak transformace po roce 1989 ovlivňuje současný stav české novinářské etiky a profesionalizace

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Title in English Awakened in freedom: how the post-1989 transformation affects the current state of Czech journalistic ethics and professionalization


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description The paper presents an analysis of the current state of media ethics and the professionalization of journalism in the Czech Republic in the context of historical development - the transition from a centrally planned economy and state regulation of the media to free capitalist enterprise in the 1990s. As the authors argue, transformational influences have created the conditions for long-term low professionalisation. Czech journalism has long suffered from a low willingness of journalists to organize, low professional solidarity, the absence of unions, and a lack of professional discussion of media ethics intertwined with issues of media law. The aim of the analysis is to show that these problems of the Czech journalistic profession have their roots in the specific conditions of the Czech transition to capitalism in the 1990s, which oriented the professional discussion almost exclusively on the topic of media freedom. The analysis will also show how the conditions of the profession have changed over the last quarter of a century and why this state of affairs is currently accelerating the convergence processes (Mark Deuze) rather than enabling the professional environment to face them and participate in shaping the future state of journalism.
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