Matematická pregramotnost v českém předškolním vzdělávání

Title in English Mathematical pre-literacy in Czech preschool education


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gramotnost, pregramotnost a vzdělávání
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords preschool education; mathematical literacy; mathematical pre-literacy; preschoolage child; kindergarten; training of kindergarten teachers
Description The study focuses on the issue of mathematical literacy in different contexts: in the preschool curriculum, in research, in the professional training of kindergarten teachers. The aim of the study is to place the concept of mathematical preliteracy in the overall context of Czech pre-school education; to map its potential in the current pre-school curriculum; to summarise some findings from research investigations in the Czech environment and to underline the importance of this issue in the pre-service education of kindergarten teachers.

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