Samizdat jako kronika


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Samizdat as Chronicle


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description Poster represents a so far unnamed type of samizdat literary periodicals, the content of which was not only journalistic, essayistic or fictional work, but also, to a non-negligible extent, a reflection of the social life of the relatively narrow circle of authors of that magazine. The core guide clearly presenting the varieties of samizdat periodicals Český literární samizdat (Přibáň et al., 2018) offers three typologies of magazines: central (aiming for the widest possible circulation and distribution), group (addressed primarily to members of author circles and their friends) and local (geographically defined). However, there is no emphasis on the textual manifestation of group life in the form of a diary or chronicle. Typical contributions of this sphere were records from joint trips, meetings at cultural or sports events or "just" in a pub, address polemics between actors, or even announcements of future joint events. In such texts, on the one hand, a perfect, even intimate knowledge of the individual actors is evident, on the other, an effort not only to target general themes or to give space to one's own artistic expression, but also to record and preserve unrepeatable events connected only with the author's community. With their authenticity and non-transferability, such texts in the magazine retroactively fixed the community participating in the samizdata operation. The poster will therefore offer the viewer/reader a selection of the most important samizdat periodicals, which with their thematic scope provided the greatest scope for community self-presentation in the form of a diary or chronicle (e.g. Nový Brak, Acta incognitorum, Lógr, Agentura Beat Nebeat, etc.), and will also present the possibilities that they offer researchers for understanding not only literary-aesthetic, but also media and social aspects.
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