Proměna knihovní idey a instituce mezi lety 1930 a 1950 : Analýza tří vybraných diskurzů


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Title in English The transformation of the library idea and institution between 1930 and 1950 : an analysis of three selected discourses

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2021
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The study analyses three selected discourses were determining the development of librarianship in the years 1930-1950 in Czechoslovakia. It shows that although discourses remained formally continuous throughout the period under review, their internal content was fundamentally transformed and allowed, on the one hand, the constant continuation of libraries as one of the key cultural and educational institutions. It also led to their significant contribution to propaganda and the social-political project of communist totalitarianism. These discourses are libraries as memory institutions, libraries as managed professional institutions and libraries as educational institutions.

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