How to teach, design and program robotic and IoT systems



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ICETA 2022. Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords robotic systems;education; technical education; popularisation of science and technology
Description This article summarizes the results from more than twenty years of continual quality research related to teaching of construction and programming of robotic systems, construction of systems controlled by microcontrollers, teaching and study materials with internal intelligence and also IoT systems on elementary schools, high schools and universities. The respondents of the research were teachers of elementary schools, high schools, as well as engineers, developers, which develop electronic systems controlled with the microcontrollers in companies. Six engineers and designers from Jihostroj Velešín and Teplárny Brno were involved in the construction and development of systems programmed in assembler. In teaching and construction were involved six teachers from the secondary vocational school of electrical engineering in Uherský Brod. In the teaching of the construction and programming of robots were involved fifteen elementary school teachers from fifteen Moravian elementary schools. Another six lecturers of educational courses for building and programming robots for elementary and high school students. The second group of respondents dealt with the construction and programming of systems programmed in advanced programming languages (such as C, Basic and Python) – teachers from VŠE, eight teachers from elementary schools and gymnasiums, four high school teachers and twelve lecturers of robot construction and programming courses for students of primary and secondary schools.

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