Partnerská soužití v Česku podle vzdělanostní struktury – vývoj v manželstvích a kohabitacích mezi lety 2010 a 2020

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Title in English Partnerships in the Czech Republic by education structure – marriages and cohabitations between 2010 and 2020


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Demografie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek - open access
Keywords educational structure of partnerships; educational homogamy; marriage; cohabitation; Czech Republic
Attached files
Description The educational structures of partnerships have been studied intensively in the Czech Republic in the last two decades. Most research on educational homogamy in marriages in the Czech Republic covers the time period up to the year 2016, and the educational structure of cohabitations over time is still an unexplored subject. In this study, the educational structure of marriages and cohabitations is analysed using data from the European Social Survey and vital statistics from the years 2010–2020.
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