Selbstevaluation reflektiert: eine Interventionsstudie im Rahmen der DaF-Ausbildung

Title in English Self-evaluation reflected: an intervention study in the context of German as a foreignlanguage teacher education


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source KONTEXTE - Internationales Journal zur Professionalisierung in Deutsch als Fremdsprache
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Student self-assessment; Peer-Feedback; German as a foreign language teacher education; pre-service teachers of German as a foreign language
Description Using student self-assessment influences success (not only) in learning a foreign language. Therefore, the ability of prospective teachers to develop the self-assessment competence of their future students is also part of the professionalization profile of teachers of German as a foreign language (in the Czech Republic). The article deals with the development of self assessment skills during an undergraduate teacher education programme in the Czech Republic. It describes an intervention aimed at developing competence in the self-assessment of speaking skills in language courses among prospective teachers of German as a foreign language. Written statements in which 15 respondents reflected on their progress from peer to peer assessment to self-assessment were analyzed. The results of the thematic analysis show that prospective teachers of German as a foreign language view self-assessment as part of the overall picture of foreign language performance that complements external assessment.
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