Recent stationary phase-based fractionation strategies in proteomic analysis

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RIBEIRO Luiz Fernando URBAN Jiří

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of separation science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords liquid chromatography; offline; online; proteomics; multidimensional
Description In this article, we review stationary phase-assisted sample prefractionation in proteomic analysis in 2019-2022 period. Applications are grouped according to the mode of retention used in the prefractionation step prior to the final analysis by low-pH reversed-phase liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Online or offline instrumental configurations are also commented on, with a highlight on novel online platforms. From the articles reviewed in this period, the order of popularity of chromatographic modes for sample fractionation is affinity chromatography > size exclusion chromatography > hydrophilic interaction chromatography > high-pH reversed-phase liquid chromatography > ion exchange chromatography.
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