The Transformation of Parent-Child Leisure Time in Primary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic


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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Leisure time; Parent – child interaction; Primary school; Covid-19 pandemic
Description The paper deals with transformation of parent-child leisure time in primary school during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the paper is to analyze the transformation of parents' homeoffice time spent together during the pandemic with at least one child in elementary school from 1st to 4th grade. Each family coped with the pandemic differently and this situation affected their leisure time otherwise. The Czech Republic itself was one of the countries that had schools and leisure facilities closed for the longest period of time, and the protective measures were very strict. All of the above naturally had an impact on the mental health of both adults and children, and in most cases, as far as research can show, these were negative phenomena. For this project, we choose those parents who simultaneously worked at the home office and took care of at least one child in distance education. So there are two significant factors here. The first one is that the parent was in almost constant contact with the child. Furthermore, they did not lose their job, so there was still income coming into the family and usually no financial crisis emerged. The research was planned to be qualitative, and data were collected through a semi-structured interview among parents.The research sample includes 5 women (4 teachers and 1 non-teacher) who have always had at least one child in distance education. An anchored theory method will be used to analyse the identified information, which includes open, axial and selective coding. The data will be subjected to further analysis with conclusions for possible future research.

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