Transformace konceptu informační gramotnosti s ohledem na možnosti generativních systémů umělé inteligence ve školním prostředí


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ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Digitální vzdělávání v měnící se společnosti: nové výzvy, rizika, prevence. Sborník příspěvků z konference ERIS22
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords AI; artificial intelligence; information literacy; creativity; GPT-3, ChatGPT; Bauman; modernity
Description This paper examines the question of the transformation of the concept of information literacy in the context of the emergence of generative artificial intelligence systems (GPT-3, Dalle-2). It shows that the ability to work with these tools transforms the essential practice of working with information and at the same time represents a necessary prerequisite for studying and working in modern society. It seeks to draw attention to the barriers that the absence of such competence would cause and to highlight its social dimension.

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