Somatic personhood and the dilemma of authenticity in ADHD subjectivity


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VRHEL Alexandra

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Subjectivity
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; Authenticity; Subjectivity; Somatic selfhood
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Description In this paper, I discuss the dilemma of authenticity in ADHD subjectivity in the context of somatic, especially cerebral and neurochemical, personhood, which was stimulated by the rise of neuro-scientific knowledge, practices and technologies and their impact on culture and society. Through these processes, selfhood is continually identified with brainhood, in which mental processes are reduced to brain functions and neurochemistry. This has vast consequences on our understanding of human agency, morality and responsibility and opens existentialist questions about authenticity. In this sense, authenticity marks the effort to navigate the shifting relations of nature-culture and mind-brain and the uncertainty in conceptualisations of health, social functionality and normality. These dilemmas are practically significant in the case of subjectivities defined by psychiatric diagnosis in which the definition of authentic self impacts self-understanding and self-management of life strategies, such as treatment decisions.
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