Nová konceptualizace fenoménu informační gramotnosti v kontextu rozvoje generativní umělé inteligence


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Title in English A new conceptualization of the phenomenon of information literacy in the context of the development of generative artificial intelligence

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Hejdánek's (1997) notion of non-object thinking and Lakof's (2008) reflections on experiential realism lead one to wonder whether Floridi's (2013, 2014) understanding of inforgs as bounded and fixed entities represents a fundamental limit to his entire phlosophical project. The emphasis on the dissolution of rigid entities, as Bauman (2013) thinks of them, is essential to a radically reframed conceptual design (Floridi, 2019) that will underpin emerging notions of information literacy as a prerequisite for achieving dynamic equilibrium in a progressively changing, highly complex environment. These considerations bring us to the need to think about common concepts associated with information literacy, such as frameworks, definitions, and resources, in a different way than is common.
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